Since my husband and I are both self employed with multiple business's, we find it difficult to get away for any time period. No rest for the weary...but it's the week of Christmas to New Years, that is normally our "least busy time" and thus we plan our escape to the Washington Coast. We have booked our 3 homes at Se
ashore Dreams, but left one home to us for our rare enjoyment as a family. The dogs, myself and my hardworking husband Rich.

It has been wonderful, to just "be" for a few days. Enjoying our beach friends, enjoying my parents visiting Christmas Day and just doing things we normally don't do...like "blog", read, watch movies, photograph and enjoy the pups.
My only photo venture so far was yesterday with the dogs as we headed South on SR 109 and stopped at Griffiths State Park in Copalis....just a block from the Green Lantern. It had been years since I have visited there and it was a first for the two little ones. The weather was perfect, the air still and colors were beautiful.